Tiny Space Program Wiki

Ingame description:  

Major improvements in the field chemical rocket propulsion led to the design of this small space vehicle. Only able to carry a very limited number of supplies, but has extended range capabilities. This ship can only land and return on moons.

Includes launch assist into space.


The bullet spacecraft is the first lander able to build an outpost in one trip, and also the first able to transport a Worker or tourist. It is best used to set up your first outposts on the Moon, Phobos, and Deimos, as well as potentially Mars and Mercury. With sufficient upgrades, it can reach the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, but not Uranus. (Note that landing on Mars requires a minimum of Chemical Efficiency level 7, and even then it is only possible when Earth and Mars are quite close together. However, contrary to the in-game warnings, there is no need to refuel the Bullet.)

At just 50 (+ 10 per upgrade) credits for 2 seats and 9 cargo, the Mk 1 is very cost-effective, more so than the Mk 2, and its range can be upgraded without spending tech points. As a result, it remains a solid choice of lander even after more advanced options become available. It is common for experienced players to colonise all of Jupiter's moons and a good portion of Saturn using only this lander, thus freeing up their resources to research as much Chemical Efficiency as possible.

It is also possible to convert bullets into additional living space, by sending multiple bullets at once and then moving all of the astronauts into a single lander for the return trip. This is much more cost-effective than a standard outpost upgrade, especially at higher upgrade levels or with the assistance of an Aerospike Shuttle to efficiently bring the astronauts home, but becomes tedious to manage when launching a lander afterward (surplus population must be taken off work and moved into the empty bullets before launch), unless the seats on the lander are already full.  







1 0.5 500
2 1.0 100
3 1.5 200
4 2.0 300
5 2.5 400
6 3.0 500
7 3.5 600
8 4.0 700
9 4.5 800
10 5.0 900
11 5.5 1000
12 6.0 1100
13 6.5 1200
14 7.0 1300
15 7.5 1400
16 8.0 1500
17 8.5 1600
18 9.0 1700
19 9.5 1800
20 10.0 1900
21 10.5 2000
22 11 2100
23 11.5 2200
24 12 2300
25 12.5 2400
26 13 2500
27 13.5 2600
28 14 2700
29 14.5 2800
30 (max) 15 2900


Tiny Space Program
Solar System Sun
Terrestrial Planets Mercury
Earth Moon
Mars PhobosDeimos
Gas Giants Jupiter MetisAmaltheaThebeIoEuropaGanymedeCallistoHimaliaLysitheaElara
Saturn MimasEnceladusTethysDioneRheaTitanIapetusHyperionPhoebeJanus
Ice Giants Uranus TitaniaOberonArielUmbrielMirandaPuckSycoraxPortiaJulietBelinda
Neptune TritonProteusNereidLarissaGalateaDespinaThalassaNaiadHalimedeNeso
Dwarf Planets Pluto CharonStyxNixKerebosHydra
Gameplay Activities Research
Resources Gold ingot
Ships Satellite
Vehicles Rover