Tiny Space Program Wiki

Earth is the planet which the player starts on. Available activities at the Space Center include hiring more astronauts, building spacecraft, researching technology, and buying supplies from the market. There are also different buildings available.

Spaceships do not leave Earth under their own power, which would require prohibitive amounts of fuel. Instead, they automatically purchase a single-use booster rocket that helps them to clear Earth's gravity well. The first rocket for each spaceship is free, making this a non-issue as long as the player relies on single-use landers. For reusable landers, the cost of further rockets depends on the mass of the lander and the level of efficiency that the player has researched.

Reusable spacecraft that land on Earth automatically replenish their fuel and life support for free. However, repairing their durability is slower and requires purchasing hangar upgrades.


Earth has only a single natural satellite, the Moon.

Exploration Rewards[]

Earth cannot be explored by satellite.

Moon of Earth

Earth's only natural satellite, the Moon.


Upgrade building Repair[]

Level Credits Rewards
1 500 +25 lander durability per hour
2 1000 +25 lander durability per hour
3 1500 +25 lander durability per hour
Tiny Space Program
Solar System Sun
Terrestrial Planets Mercury
Earth Moon
Mars PhobosDeimos
Gas Giants Jupiter MetisAmaltheaThebeIoEuropaGanymedeCallistoHimaliaLysitheaElara
Saturn MimasEnceladusTethysDioneRheaTitanIapetusHyperionPhoebeJanus
Ice Giants Uranus TitaniaOberonArielUmbrielMirandaPuckSycoraxPortiaJulietBelinda
Neptune TritonProteusNereidLarissaGalateaDespinaThalassaNaiadHalimedeNeso
Dwarf Planets Pluto CharonStyxNixKerebosHydra
Gameplay Activities Research
Resources Gold ingot
Ships Satellite
Vehicles Rover