Tiny Space Program Wiki

The golden ingot is a refined ressource, it is a great source of income selling for 150 credits.

It is made from 5 gold ore in a factory, and takes 5 minutes with one worker.

Getting gold[]

To get gold ingots, you must manufacture them in a factory.

To make them, you need 5 gold ores, which can be found on any Planet/Moon, you need to set up a small base on that planet with the factory, atleast one worker and one astronaut, then you will need to find a gold ressource site, the astronaut will go to it and pick up one gold ore, this can be made easier with a vehicle, since they have storage.

Once the astronaut has collected 5 gold ores, you will be able to make the gold ingot inside of the factory. This process will take 5 minutes, but if you have more workers working, it will make it faster.

Tiny Space Program
Solar System Sun
Terrestrial Planets Mercury
Earth Moon
Mars PhobosDeimos
Gas Giants Jupiter MetisAmaltheaThebeIoEuropaGanymedeCallistoHimaliaLysitheaElara
Saturn MimasEnceladusTethysDioneRheaTitanIapetusHyperionPhoebeJanus
Ice Giants Uranus TitaniaOberonArielUmbrielMirandaPuckSycoraxPortiaJulietBelinda
Neptune TritonProteusNereidLarissaGalateaDespinaThalassaNaiadHalimedeNeso
Dwarf Planets Pluto CharonStyxNixKerebosHydra
Gameplay Activities Research
Resources Gold ingot
Ships Satellite
Vehicles Rover