Tiny Space Program Wiki

An Artificial Satellite is an object that the player can launch to explore new celestial bodies. Scanning an unexplored celestial body gives credits upon completion, making it the easiest way to earn money at the beginning of the game. (However, note that there may be benefits to not scanning a body that you do not yet intend to, or cannot, visit; see the Daily Assignments page for more detail.) Scanning a planet will also reveal the planet's moons, which can then be scanned individually for further rewards.  

Scanning a celestial body will allow a player to send a vessel to the surface of the newly scanned body (if it is not a gas or ice giant, and if you have a vessel with enough fuel to make the trip). Once launched, Satellites remain in orbit permanently and are used by the Satellite Link Module (if built) for discovering new resource sites; the more you have in orbit of a celestial body, the faster your outpost can discover resources.  

New types of satellite can be unlocked through research, allowing the player to explore planets and moons that are further away, although there is no difference in the interaction with the Satellite Link Module. There are 3 types of satellites currently in use: Chemical, Ion and Plasma. Note that Ion satellites are sufficient to reach every body in the solar system; Plasma satellites may gain more relevance in future updates, but are currently redundant.  

Types of Satellites[]

Satellite Research Needed Cost to Build Default Range Speed
Chemical Satellite none 50 cr AU 15 AU/h
Ion Satellite Ion Propulsion Technology 75 cr 45 AU 20 AU/h
Plasma Satellite Plasma Propulsion Technology 100 cr 60 AU 25 AU/h

Tiny Space Program
Solar System Sun
Terrestrial Planets Mercury
Earth Moon
Mars PhobosDeimos
Gas Giants Jupiter MetisAmaltheaThebeIoEuropaGanymedeCallistoHimaliaLysitheaElara
Saturn MimasEnceladusTethysDioneRheaTitanIapetusHyperionPhoebeJanus
Ice Giants Uranus TitaniaOberonArielUmbrielMirandaPuckSycoraxPortiaJulietBelinda
Neptune TritonProteusNereidLarissaGalateaDespinaThalassaNaiadHalimedeNeso
Dwarf Planets Pluto CharonStyxNixKerebosHydra
Gameplay Activities Research
Resources Gold ingot
Ships Satellite
Vehicles Rover