Tiny Space Program Wiki

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and is the second largest, after Jupiter. Like Jupiter, Saturn is a Gas Giant, which means no outposts can be stationed on the planet. Named after the Roman God of agriculture. Saturn is the least dense planet, being made of mostly hydrogen and helium. The second largest moon in the Solar System is one of Saturn's moons.

It is possible to reach the moons of Saturn with a level 18 Bullet Mk 1, although the launch window will be limited.

Exploration Rewards[]

Scanning Saturn with a satellite for the first time will reward the player with 700 credits.


Saturn has 10 moons that can be scanned by satellites. Each scanned moon yields a 200 credit reward.

Name Mass (Earth Mass) Surface Gravity Surface Area
Mimas 0.00 0.06 493647
Enceladus 0.00 0.01 798648
Tethys 0.00 0.26 356900
Dione 0.00 0.15 3964776
Rhea 0.00 0.26 733700
Titan 0.02 1.35 83000000
Iapetus 0.00 0.22 6700000
Hyperion 0.00 0.02 229022
Epimetheus 0.00 0.02 65000
Janus 0.00 0.02 105000

Saturn's Moons

The moons of Saturn.

Tiny Space Program
Solar System Sun
Terrestrial Planets Mercury
Earth Moon
Mars PhobosDeimos
Gas Giants Jupiter MetisAmaltheaThebeIoEuropaGanymedeCallistoHimaliaLysitheaElara
Saturn MimasEnceladusTethysDioneRheaTitanIapetusHyperionPhoebeJanus
Ice Giants Uranus TitaniaOberonArielUmbrielMirandaPuckSycoraxPortiaJulietBelinda
Neptune TritonProteusNereidLarissaGalateaDespinaThalassaNaiadHalimedeNeso
Dwarf Planets Pluto CharonStyxNixKerebosHydra
Gameplay Activities Research
Resources Gold ingot
Ships Satellite
Vehicles Rover